In the respected realm of High Cadore, a profound mystery threatens the very existence of the revered Dragon King. The key to his salvation lies within the vast and coveted library under his dominiona repository of knowledge that neighboring kingdoms can only dream of possessing.
Amidst this turmoil, the determined researcher, Shennon Trelor, embarks on a quest to unravel the enigmatic origins of a long-standing war. Little does she realize that her pursuit of truth will lead her to unravel the mystery of the Dragon King himself, who seeks her wisdom in a desperate attempt to save his waning life.
As Shennon returns, again and again, to face the imposing ruler, an unsettling realization dawns upon herthe Dragon King is as clueless about the pivotal question as she is about the answer.
A magnetic force seems to draw Shennon toward the majestic dragon, and his relentless insistence on her presence raises profound questions. Could there be more than...